Friday, May 25, 2012

How to create a button - Part 2

In Part 1 of this tutorial I showed how to design a button, so today I will show how to upload the button to a server.

So the reason I decided to create a own post for this is because this is one of the things I had some trouble finding out what to do, and I can imagine how much easier it would be to create a tutorial instead of writing "Upload it to an image hosting site like photobucket".

There are several different ways to upload the button to a server. I am no computer expert, but the way I understand it by uploading the picture to a server you get an Internet address to your photo correct me is I am wrong. I used Photobucket for my Link Party Button and the blogger code for the Featured At Button. All my buttons are found here.

For this tutorial I shall be using Photobucket.

First create a user and log in.

Then you click "Albums" in the tab, and you will see this page:

 Click the green "Upload" button.

 "Select photos and videos"

 Create a name and click "Save and continue to my album"

 Click on photo

 Right-click, and open image in a new tab.

The URL you see is what you will need to create your button!

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